Day: May 31, 1853

Debate of the Legislative Assembly of Upper Canada (May 31, 1853)

Click here to view the original document (PDF). Debate of the Legislative Assembly of Upper Canada TUESDAY, 31 MAY 1853. (903) ORDERED, That the Bill to make more ample provision for the incorporation of the Town of St. Hyacinthe, and to extend its limits, as reported from the Standing Committee on Miscellaneous Private Bills, be committed to a Committee of the whole House, for To-morrow, and be then the second Order of the day. Ordered, That the Bill to vest in John Carling and others, a certain portion of Church… Read more Debate of the Legislative Assembly of Upper Canada (May 31, 1853)

Province of Canada, Legislative Assembly, Journals of the Legislative Assembly [Resolutions on Legislative Council] (31 May 1853)

Document Information Date: 1853-05-31 By: Province of Canada (Parliament) Citation: Province of Canada, Legislative Assembly, Journals of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Canada, 4th Parl, 1st Sess, 1853 at 923-937. Other formats: Click here to view the original document (PDF). Mr. Malloch, from the Committee to take into consideration certain Resolutions on the subject of the Constitution of the Legislative Council of this Province, reported several Resolutions; which were read, as follow:– 1. Resolved, That under the circumstances in which the Province of Canada is placed, in a… Read more Province of Canada, Legislative Assembly, Journals of the Legislative Assembly [Resolutions on Legislative Council] (31 May 1853)