Despatch from Right Hon. Edward Cardwell to Lieutenant Governor Arthur Gordon (28 July 1865)

Document Information

Date: 1865-07-28
By: Edward Cardwell
Citation: Despatch from Right Hon. Edward Cardwell to Lieutenant Governor Arthur Gordon (28 July 1865) in Journal of the Legislative Council of the Province of New Brunswick (1866).
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Downing Street, July 28, 1865.

SIR,—I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your Despatch of the 20th June, reporting that, in pursuance of the Resolution of the House of Assembly, the Honorable A. J. Smith, President of the Council, and the Honorable J. C. Allen, Attorney General, had been appointed Delegates on behalf of New Brunswick, to represent to Her Majesty’s Government the views and feelings of the House, and of the People of that Province, on the subject of the Union of British North America. Having had the honor to confer with these gentlemen, I have answered them in entire accordance with the Despatch I have addressed to you, explaining the views of Her Majesty’s Government on the subject of confederation. I also observed to the Deputation that, as regards an Union of the Maritime Provinces, Her Majesty’s Government can give no countenance to any proposals which would tend to delay the confederation of all the Provinces, which they are so desirous to promote, and can only aid in the promotion of a closer union between Nova Scotia and New Brunswick if that closer union be ancillary to and form part of the scheme for general union.

I have, &c. (Signed) EDWARD CARDWELL.

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